Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Secondo Giorno

Today begins day 2 here in Arrezzo and I am starting to become accustomed to all of the hills and how many times that I will roll my ankle on the cobblestone roads if I'm not careful. This morning at 9:30 (European time) I started off with a traditional Italian continental breakfast and was faced with a culture shock, for when our advisors mentioned continental breakfast I expected to come downstairs to a hearty meal of bacon, scrambled, eggs, and oatmeal. My expectation failed me as I walked into the breakfast room to approach a breakfast bar filled with fluffy, golden pastries, jams, and fruit. This moment exemplified that even our unconscious thoughts can override reality and that our engrained way of life can interfere with the introduction of a new culture. Knowing that, I'm learning that is going to take a conscious decision to put aside all ore-existing schemes concerning the culture and just live on the edge, which according to my personal ideals is no way to live your life. Currently, I am living out what I don't believe. My UZoo animal is an eagle and these kinds of people, I, crave details, time, timelines, and schedules. As of right now, I  do not posses a schedule of events for tomorrow or the weeks activities and in return it is causing me to "live on the edge" as Clark Stroud suggested. I'm not sure if I like this ordeal yet, but I believe it's budding some sort of adventurous seed in my reserved personality.
  This morning I had orientation at 10 followed by second brunch which is the American comparison of lunch. During this time, some of my fellow PLC pals and I stopped at small bar or café to where I order a cappuccino and a chocolate filled croissant (healthy lunch right?). Ordering at the cafés these past two days has allowed me to pick up on some of the terminology and Italian vernacular which is another learning aspect outside of the classroom. Speaking of class, today was our first session where got our introduction of art, activism,a small leadership in one of the buildings called the Fraternitá Dei Laici in the grand piazza, or square. In reference to piazzas, I learned that these squares are often encased by small shops, ristorantes, cafés and churches. Piazzas are heavily concentrated areas as this is the area where people of all ages convene, converse, and indulge in delicatessens. Delicatessen over indulgence is one of my concerns but with the freights up and down the terrain I hope to burn off the calories (and have calves of steel by the end of the 3 weeks).
Reverting back the academic focus of my post, I can say the lesson introductory taught by Kirk on art history and Dean Ray on activism kept me engaged and brainstorming. The biggest take away form today was the recipe to foster leadership creativity for Kirk says that, we as "patrons depict the creative outcome." Those three words are virtuosity, imagination, and engagement; I believe those are principles on which we should live, especially as leaders who interact and "engage" with our peers daily. To me imagination is one thing that we all possess, for this is how we establish important goals that we aspire to achieve. We must dream and conjure an image of what we wish to see or change just as those artisans in the Middle Ages who framed a collective mindset within the people by painting certain pictures that evoked a message. Although artistry did not become a tool for political change until the period of the printing press, it still acted as a conduit for change. Furthermore, as leaders we must send the right message by framing and articulating the correct ordeals and virtues on which we stand explaining why we have been appointed as leaders. The big question that came up in discussion was "who gives value?" which brings me to the question of "how is it that we are leaders, what made us qualified?" My virtues and actions qualify me as a leader. That's why Kirk says virtuosity is a factor in leadership, for you must posses morals and values to be able to effectively make positive decisions for the people you represent. By engaging with the group, you can come to find out what's the greatest good to implement for the success of the group. Engagement also has the opportunity to "get the creative juices flowing." Once the imagination starts many things can happen. Often time my dad says dream and imagine big things, for if in mind I can conceive it, and in my heart that I can believe it, it is through Christ that these dreams will come into fruition. And my dream to study abroad has come to life.

Until tomorrow,
Stammi bene, arrivederci  


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